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Assignment 1:
Industrialized Building System (IBS)

Project Description ...

This is an assignment work in a group of 6 people to design a 3-storey apartment block with the application of assigned Industrialized Building System (IBS) and calculate the total IBS score of the building. In this assignment, we will be exposed to different type of IBS system, the IBS component and construction method & process. To allow a better understanding, this assignment tasked us to note all the detail and the construction process on a hand note. Also, a realistic scaled physical sectional model of the building will be produced to ensure the application of appropriate & demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of IBS construction method in the production of model. Throughout the whole process, the assignment fosters good communication skills among group members through proper delegation of works and production of deliverables.

Expected Outcome ...

Again, I hope that I manage to achieve a balance between design skill and construction knowledge. Yet this semester, I want myself to take a task as an architect as well as a part of the earth, to use my knowledge and skill from this module to make tomorrow better. Collect data, analyse construction method and materials, develop studies, apply appropriate IBS construction method and demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of IBS construction process in the every design construction from now onward.

Blockwork System

Precedents Study

Schedule of IBS Components

Construction Sequence 


Working outcome...(Blockwork System) 


Concept Framwork

Technical Drawings

Construction Details

IBS Score Calculation


Reflection ...


To Familiar with one new thing in the architectural and construction field, this assignment played an important role which have successfully install the knowledge into me. Explore was allowed along this 7-week project as studies and research on the IBS system may be a tough task to detailed up all the information. With the corporation with YTL cement, I felt glad as I had given a chance to move forward to a more real-life element, such as I know how all the cement produced and how a concrete block or wall had been casted. Modelling with the realistic materials, cement, we face every challenge that we may face in my future career, and also giving us an opportunity to future explore the way to solve the problem. In short, I believe my groupmate and I had been so much familiar with 

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